Education Library and Information Service (EDULIS)
EDULIS is the Western Cape Education Department’s (WCED) official library and information service. EDULIS offers a free print and electronic library and information service, support for school libraries, guidance in Information Literacy Skills, guidance and support in Library Information Management Systems.
EDULIS Library provides access to free print and electronic library and information services. It ensures that WCED teachers and officials can access management, research and curriculum-related resources to support relevant and effective teaching and learning. The library boasts an electronic management system operated by the SITA Library Information Management System (SLIMS) and a SLIMS Help Desk.
School library support
The modern library is on the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) premises. It features a computer hub, a seminar/training room, a boardroom and a private study room with free Wi-Fi. EDULIS supports WCED schools in establishing, managing, organizing, and developing their libraries and teaching information literacy skills. The Mobile Library Project services more than 80 schools in 4 rural Districts. The Love2Read Initiative, in support of the WCED Reading Strategy, has reached more than 300 educators to date. The EDULIS evaluators of curriculum resources identify, source, select, evaluate, review and recommend suitable and relevant library resources for purchase by school libraries in print, audio-visual and e-format. EDULIS provides the SLIMS system to selected schools with helpdesk service to all schools and other WCED sites that implemented SLIMS.EDULIS provides research and resource support to CTLI Teacher Professional Development Programmes. Facilitators and teachers can access up-to-date resources for reading programs, library orientation, and research support.

Timothy Cloete

Janine Ontong

Ntombozuko Makana

Lynette Prent
SLIMS Systems Administrator
(021) 957-9624
[email protected]